‘Shop on wheels’ – what is it?
‘Shop on wheels’ is our mobile business aiming to reach our customers who are not living in Auckland!
Since old times, the mobile trade in form of wagon, caravan, horse carriage, etc. are connecting cities and countries. Merchants pack their best products and get on the road, stopping by in villages and small cities, bringing joy to people.
In New Zealand mobile shops are very popular, but usually they sell coffee, sandwiches, and ice cream. But we decided to learn from best practices and once or twice per month we are hitting the road to different cities bringing almost full range of products from our store in Auckland!
How it works?
On our website we update our ‘News’ page with details of the new trip – dates and route.
Also, we announce details of the new trip on our Facebook page
If you find your city in the announced list or you are living not far from mentioned cities and can visit our food shop on wheels – than we are waiting for your orders! You can choose absolutely everything – cakes, pastry, sweets, grains, preserved food, fish, sausages, and even frozen products! Please choose ‘Gastronomy on wheels’ as a delivery option when ordering. We will collect your order and our mobile shop will bring it to your city. Surely, you can visit our mobile shop without order as well, we always can offer you something delicious! Please, keep in mind that it will be additional 5% delivery charge for every purchase – we appreciate your understanding.